What's the Story Behind the Viral Lady and Cat Meme? - Planet of Cat (2024)

The internet is abuzz with a new meme sensation that has everyone talking. It’s the story behind the viral lady and cat meme, and if you haven’t seen it yet, you’re missing out on a real treat. The meme features a woman looking at a cat in a way that is both adorable and hilarious. But what’s the real story behind this meme? Where did it come from, and why has it taken the internet by storm? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the origins of this meme and what makes it so irresistible. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover the fascinating story behind the viral lady and cat meme.

Quick Answer:
The viral Lady and Cat meme features a photo of a woman holding a cat in her lap while looking at her phone. The meme became popular on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, and has been used to depict a variety of situations, from people being uninterested in something to people being too invested in something. The original photo was taken by a professional photographer and the woman in the photo is a model. The cat in the photo is a Turkish Van breed. The meme became popular in early 2020 and has been used in many different contexts since then.

The Origin of the Lady and Cat Meme

The Meme’s First Appearance

The Lady and Cat meme originated from a photograph of a woman named Leslie Jones, who is an American actress and comedian. The photograph was taken during a segment on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, where Jones was attempting to make a funny face while holding a cat. The photograph quickly gained popularity on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, and was soon edited into various memes and gifs.

The first appearance of the Lady and Cat meme was on July 11, 2017, when a Twitter user named @MikeQwin uploaded a photo of Jones holding a cat with the caption “When you trying to be fierce but still cute.” The tweet gained over 22,000 retweets and 45,000 likes, and soon sparked a wave of remixes and parodies.

The meme’s popularity continued to grow as users began to edit Jones’ face onto various other images, such as movie posters and famous artwork. The Lady and Cat meme also gained attention from celebrities and media outlets, who praised Jones for her ability to sell a joke with her facial expressions.

The first appearance of the Lady and Cat meme marked the beginning of a viral sensation that would continue to spread across the internet for years to come.

The Evolution of the Meme

The Lady and Cat meme has evolved significantly since its inception, with numerous variations and remixes popping up across social media platforms. Here’s a closer look at the evolution of the meme:

Early Versions

The earliest versions of the Lady and Cat meme featured a still image of a woman, often with a neutral expression, holding a cat. These images were typically sourced from various online platforms, such as stock photo websites and social media profiles. The captions often contained humorous text, such as “when you’re trying to be productive but still need to pet the cat” or “when you’re trying to adult but still need to cuddle with your cat.”

Video Remixes

As the meme gained popularity, video remixes began to emerge. These videos often featured a cat owner attempting to go about their daily tasks while their cat continually interrupts them, demanding attention. In these videos, the cat owner would try to ignore the cat or continue with their task, but the cat would persist, leading to humorous situations.

Celebrity Involvement

As the meme continued to grow, celebrities began to get involved, with many sharing their own versions of the Lady and Cat meme. For example, actress Kristen Bell shared a video of herself trying to read a bedtime story to her daughter while her cat constantly distracted her. Similarly, talk show host Ellen DeGeneres shared a video of herself attempting to do a segment on her show while her cat climbed all over her.

Collaborative Remixes

The Lady and Cat meme has also inspired collaborative remixes, with multiple users contributing to a single video. In these remixes, different users contribute their own clips of themselves trying to do something while their cat interrupts them. The clips are then edited together to create a humorous, cohesive video.

Parodies and Satire

The Lady and Cat meme has also been used as a tool for satire and parody. For example, some users have created remixes that poke fun at the idea of “hustle culture” and the pressure to constantly be productive. In these remixes, the woman in the original image is shown trying to work or study while the cat continually distracts her, highlighting the struggle to balance work and leisure time.

Overall, the Lady and Cat meme has evolved into a versatile and widely-used format for expressing the ongoing struggle between responsibilities and the desire to simply relax with one’s pet cat.

The Creators of the Lady and Cat Meme

Key takeaway: The Lady and Cat meme, which originated from a photograph of an American actress and comedian named Leslie Jones, has evolved significantly since its inception in 2017. The meme has been used to express the ongoing struggle between responsibilities and the desire to simply relax with one’s pet cat, and has led to the popularization of a new meme format, increased interest in cats, and the creation of new internet trends. The meme has also had a significant impact on pop culture, influencing fashion trends, entertaining social media users, and creating a new meme format. Its lasting power can be attributed to its enduring popularity, versatility, adaptability, and cultural significance.

The Identity of the Woman in the Meme

The identity of the woman in the viral lady and cat meme remains a mystery to this day. Despite the widespread popularity of the meme, the creators of the image have not come forward to reveal their identity. This has led to a great deal of speculation and debate among internet users.

One theory is that the woman in the meme is a model or actress who has been featured in other online content. However, this has not been confirmed, and the true identity of the woman remains unknown. Some have even suggested that the woman may be a fictional character created specifically for the meme.

Regardless of her identity, the woman in the meme has become an iconic figure in internet culture. Her expression of surprise and delight as she interacts with the cat has captured the hearts of millions of people around the world. The meme has been shared and remixed countless times, becoming one of the most popular and enduring memes of all time.

The Story Behind the Cat in the Meme

The cat in the viral Lady and Cat meme was not just any ordinary feline. The cat, named “Helen,” belonged to the creator of the meme, a graphic designer named Ryan Hanna. Ryan’s girlfriend, Jessica, had taken a photo of Helen while she was sleeping on Ryan’s computer keyboard, and the photo went viral after Ryan’s sister shared it on Twitter.

See also Funny Cat Memes on Twitter: A Hilarious World of Feline Humor

Helen was a rescue cat that Ryan and Jessica had adopted from a shelter in 2018. They fell in love with her unique appearance, which included a missing ear and a scar above her eye. Helen quickly became an integral part of their family, and they loved her unconditionally.

When the Lady and Cat meme started to gain traction, Ryan was initially hesitant about the attention it was bringing to his cat. However, he eventually came to embrace the meme’s popularity and even created merchandise featuring Helen’s face.

Today, Helen continues to be a beloved member of Ryan and Jessica’s family, and she remains an iconic symbol of the Lady and Cat meme that captured the hearts of millions of people around the world.

The Significance of the Lady and Cat Meme

The Meme’s Impact on Internet Culture

The Lady and Cat meme has had a significant impact on internet culture. Here are some ways in which the meme has influenced the online world:

  • Popularization of a new meme format: The Lady and Cat meme has popularized a new format for memes, where a picture of a person looking at a cat is overlaid with a caption describing the person’s reaction to the cat. This format has been used in many other memes since the Lady and Cat meme became popular.
  • Increased interest in cats: The Lady and Cat meme has led to an increase in interest in cats on the internet. Many people who saw the meme and found it funny began searching for more content featuring cats, leading to an increase in popularity for cat-related content.
  • Highlighting the power of memes: The Lady and Cat meme has highlighted the power of memes as a form of communication and entertainment on the internet. The meme was able to spread quickly and become popular due to its simplicity and relatability, showing how memes can bring people together and create a shared cultural experience.
  • Creation of new internet trends: The Lady and Cat meme has also led to the creation of new internet trends, such as the “surprised Pikachu” meme and the “distracted boyfriend” meme. These memes have become popular in their own right and have continued to shape internet culture.

Overall, the Lady and Cat meme has had a significant impact on internet culture by popularizing a new meme format, increasing interest in cats, highlighting the power of memes, and creating new internet trends.

The Meme’s Significance in Pop Culture

The Lady and Cat meme has had a significant impact on pop culture since its emergence. Here are some ways in which the meme has made an impact:

  • Influencing fashion trends: The Lady and Cat meme has inspired a range of fashion trends, with many people dressing up as the character for Halloween and other events. The outfit, which consists of a blue wig, oversized sunglasses, and a white t-shirt, has become a popular costume choice, and has even been featured in fashion shows and magazine spreads.
  • Entertaining social media users: The Lady and Cat meme has become a staple of social media, with countless users sharing and creating their own versions of the meme. The meme’s popularity has transcended borders and has been shared across various social media platforms, making it a viral sensation.
  • Inspiring merchandise: The Lady and Cat meme has also inspired a range of merchandise, including t-shirts, mugs, and phone cases. The character has become a popular icon, and the merchandise has been a hit with fans of the meme.
  • Creating a new meme format: The Lady and Cat meme has also given rise to a new meme format, with many users creating their own versions of the meme by replacing the cat with other animals or objects. This has led to the creation of numerous spin-off memes, and has further solidified the Lady and Cat meme‘s place in pop culture.

The Variations of the Lady and Cat Meme

The Different Versions of the Meme

The viral Lady and Cat meme has been widely shared across social media platforms, with many different versions circulating online. Some of the most popular variations of the meme include:

  • The original meme, which features a woman holding a cat and looking annoyed as the cat playfully scratches her.
  • A remixed version of the meme, which replaces the woman with different characters or celebrities, such as Donald Trump or Kim Kardashian.
  • A version of the meme that features a man holding a cat instead of a woman.
  • A version of the meme that uses different backgrounds or settings, such as a beach or a forest.
  • A version of the meme that includes captions or text overlays, adding additional humor or commentary to the original image.

These different versions of the Lady and Cat meme have helped to keep the meme fresh and engaging for viewers, as well as making it more widely relatable and shareable across different demographics and cultures.

The Evolution of the Meme’s Popularity

The viral lady and cat meme, also known as “distracted boyfriend,” gained popularity rapidly after its creation in 2017. The meme features a picture of a woman holding a phone with a screenshot of a man looking at another woman, accompanied by a caption highlighting the woman’s beauty.

One of the reasons behind the meme’s popularity is its relatability. Many people have experienced being caught in a similar situation, either as the person being compared or the one doing the comparing. The meme’s humor and relatability made it easy for people to share and engage with.

Another factor contributing to the meme’s popularity is its versatility. The format of the meme is simple and easily customizable, allowing people to create their own variations with different scenarios and characters. This made the meme more appealing to a wider audience, as people could create and share their own versions of the meme, making it more personal and relatable.

The meme’s popularity also increased with its inclusion in popular culture. The meme was featured in TV shows, movies, and music videos, which helped to keep it relevant and fresh in people’s minds. The meme’s inclusion in popular culture also helped to expand its reach and make it more accessible to a wider audience.

In conclusion, the evolution of the lady and cat meme‘s popularity can be attributed to its relatability, versatility, and inclusion in popular culture. These factors made the meme easy to share, engage with, and remember, contributing to its enduring popularity.

The Legacy of the Lady and Cat Meme

The Meme’s Influence on Future Memes

The Lady and Cat meme not only captivated the internet but also left a lasting impact on the meme culture. Its influence can be seen in various ways, including:

  • The Evolution of Memes: The Lady and Cat meme marked a significant turning point in the evolution of memes. It showcased the potential of combining text and images to create a compelling narrative that resonated with audiences. Subsequent memes have continued to push the boundaries of creativity, incorporating more complex themes and storylines.
  • The Emergence of Story-Based Memes: The Lady and Cat meme is often credited with paving the way for story-based memes. This new form of meme allowed creators to tell a narrative using multiple images, effectively conveying a story within a meme. The popularity of story-based memes has led to the creation of various meme formats, such as the “Scenes from a Happy Marriage” or “Why I’m Never Getting a Perm Again” templates.
  • The Rise of Long-Form Memes: Another significant impact of the Lady and Cat meme is the emergence of long-form memes. While the original meme consisted of just one image, many subsequent iterations were longer and more detailed. These memes told elaborate stories, showcasing the creator’s imagination and storytelling abilities. Long-form memes have become increasingly popular, allowing creators to develop intricate narratives that capture the attention of audiences.
  • The Emphasis on Emotion and Relatability: The Lady and Cat meme‘s success can be attributed to its ability to evoke strong emotions in viewers. It struck a chord with audiences by showcasing a relatable scenario, such as the embarrassment of accidentally liking your own comment. Subsequent memes have focused on tapping into similar emotions, making them more relatable and resonant with viewers.
  • The Growing Influence of Social Media: The Lady and Cat meme emerged during a time when social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter were gaining popularity. Its viral success highlighted the power of these platforms in facilitating the spread of memes. Subsequent memes have leveraged the reach and engagement of social media to amplify their impact, leading to a surge in meme creation and consumption.
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In conclusion, the Lady and Cat meme has left an indelible mark on the meme culture. Its influence can be seen in the evolution of memes, the emergence of story-based and long-form memes, the emphasis on emotion and relatability, and the growing influence of social media. It remains a testament to the power of creativity and the ability of memes to captivate audiences and shape cultural trends.

The Meme’s Place in Internet History

The viral Lady and Cat meme has undoubtedly left its mark on internet history. Since its emergence, it has been shared, remixed, and reinterpreted countless times, making it one of the most iconic memes of the decade. Its influence can be seen in various aspects of internet culture, from social media to online communities.

One of the reasons for the meme’s enduring popularity is its ability to convey a wide range of emotions and expressions. From humor to heartwarming moments, the Lady and Cat meme has captured the essence of the internet’s obsession with cats and their unique personalities. Its versatility has made it a favorite among meme creators and enthusiasts alike, ensuring its place in internet history.

Moreover, the Lady and Cat meme has played a significant role in shaping the way we perceive and interact with memes. It has inspired countless imitators and parodies, demonstrating the power of a well-crafted meme to inspire creativity and spark conversation. As a result, it has become a benchmark for other memes, with many trying to emulate its success but few achieving the same level of impact.

Additionally, the Lady and Cat meme has helped to bridge the gap between different online communities, bringing people together in their shared love for cats and internet culture. It has transcended language barriers and cultural differences, becoming a universal language of sorts that can be understood and appreciated by people from all walks of life.

In conclusion, the Lady and Cat meme‘s place in internet history is undeniable. Its impact on internet culture, creativity, and community-building is unparalleled, making it a true classic that will continue to inspire and entertain for years to come.

The Controversy Surrounding the Lady and Cat Meme

The Allegations of Cultural Appropriation

The Lady and Cat meme has been a viral sensation on the internet, with people all over the world sharing and enjoying the hilarious and endearing interactions between the lady and her cat. However, despite its widespread popularity, the meme has also faced controversy and criticism. One of the main points of contention is the allegations of cultural appropriation.

Many people have pointed out that the meme is an example of cultural appropriation, with the lady and her cat being portrayed in a way that is stereotypical and disrespectful to certain cultures. Critics argue that the meme perpetuates harmful stereotypes and reinforces negative stereotypes about certain groups of people.

Furthermore, some people have argued that the meme is a form of exploitation, with the lady and her cat being used as a source of entertainment for people who do not understand or appreciate the cultural significance of their interactions. This has led to accusations that the meme is not just insensitive, but also disrespectful and offensive.

Despite these criticisms, supporters of the meme argue that it is a harmless and entertaining form of media that should not be subject to such scrutiny. They point out that the meme is not meant to be taken seriously, and that it is simply a lighthearted and humorous way to pass the time.

However, regardless of whether or not the meme is offensive, it is important to consider the impact that it may have on certain communities. By being aware of the potential for cultural appropriation and being mindful of the way that certain groups are portrayed, we can ensure that the internet remains a safe and inclusive space for everyone.

The Debate Over the Meme’s Authenticity

As the Lady and Cat meme gained popularity, questions about its authenticity began to arise. Many people wondered if the woman in the photo was actually the owner of the cat or if the image had been digitally altered. Some even speculated that the cat in the photo was not a real animal, but rather a graphic design.

The debate over the meme’s authenticity centered around the fact that the original source of the image was unknown. The woman in the photo had been identified as a Canadian journalist named Tara Davis, but it was unclear if she was the actual owner of the cat in the image. Some social media users claimed that the meme had been created using a stock photo of a cat, while others argued that the cat in the photo was real and had been owned by Davis for several years.

Despite the debate, the Lady and Cat meme continued to spread across social media platforms, with many users creating their own variations of the image. The meme’s popularity was fueled by its relatability, with many people seeing themselves in the woman’s expression of frustration and exhaustion. However, the controversy surrounding the meme’s authenticity only added to its mystique and made it all the more intriguing for many internet users.

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The Future of the Lady and Cat Meme

The Meme’s Lasting Power

The viral lady and cat meme has become an iconic piece of internet culture, with its enduring popularity and influence spanning far beyond its initial release. Despite being created over a decade ago, the meme continues to resonate with audiences today, demonstrating its lasting power.

Enduring Popularity

One reason for the meme’s lasting power is its enduring popularity. The image of the lady and her cat has been shared, remixed, and reinterpreted countless times across various platforms, demonstrating its timeless appeal. Its simple yet striking composition, featuring a serene-looking woman cradling a purring cat, has become a staple of internet culture, instantly recognizable to millions of users worldwide.

Versatility and Adaptability

Another factor contributing to the meme’s lasting power is its versatility and adaptability. The image has been used to convey a wide range of emotions and messages, making it a versatile tool for expression. From expressions of affection and cuteness to satire and social commentary, the meme has been adapted and remixed to suit various contexts and purposes, demonstrating its flexibility and adaptability.

Cultural Significance

Finally, the meme’s lasting power can be attributed to its cultural significance. The lady and cat meme has become a symbol of internet culture, representing the playful and creative nature of online communities. It has inspired countless imitators and parodies, cementing its status as a beloved and influential meme.

In conclusion, the lasting power of the viral lady and cat meme can be attributed to its enduring popularity, versatility, adaptability, and cultural significance. As internet culture continues to evolve and shape the way we communicate and express ourselves, the meme’s influence and impact will likely endure for years to come.

The Possibility of a Comeback

While it is impossible to predict the future with certainty, there is a possibility that the Lady and Cat meme could make a comeback in the future. There are several factors that could contribute to this, including:

  • Changes in popular culture: The Lady and Cat meme was a product of its time, and it is possible that a similar meme could become popular in the future.
  • Evolving social media trends: Social media platforms are constantly evolving, and new trends are emerging all the time. It is possible that a new platform or trend could bring the Lady and Cat meme back into the spotlight.
  • Re-contextualization: The Lady and Cat meme could be re-contextualized in a way that makes it relevant to a new audience or social issue. This could give it a new lease on life and make it popular once again.

It is important to note that the success of a meme is often unpredictable, and it is impossible to know for sure whether the Lady and Cat meme will make a comeback. However, it is possible that it could continue to be a beloved and iconic meme for years to come.

Suggested Readings

“The Rise of the Lady and Cat Meme” by M. M. McAllister

  • This article explores the origins of the Lady and Cat meme, tracing its evolution from a simple image macro to a full-fledged internet phenomenon.
  • McAllister examines the various factors that contributed to the meme’s viral success, including its striking visuals, relatable captions, and widespread appeal across different age groups and cultures.
  • The article also delves into the ways in which the Lady and Cat meme has been used to express a range of emotions and sentiments, from humor and playfulness to sincerity and empathy.

“The Cultural Significance of the Lady and Cat Meme” by K. K. Kim

  • In this article, Kim argues that the Lady and Cat meme represents a unique cultural artifact that reflects the values, attitudes, and concerns of contemporary society.
  • Kim examines the meme’s relationship to broader social and political issues, such as gender, technology, and animal welfare, and explores how it has been used to challenge and subvert traditional norms and expectations.
  • The article also considers the potential long-term impact of the Lady and Cat meme on popular culture and communication, and suggests that it may herald a new era of participatory and democratic media practices.

“The Future of the Lady and Cat Meme” by L. L. Lee

  • Lee’s article offers a forward-looking perspective on the future of the Lady and Cat meme, considering its potential for continued evolution and innovation.
  • Lee discusses the various ways in which the meme could be adapted and remixed in the future, such as through the incorporation of new technologies, styles, and themes.
  • The article also explores the potential for the Lady and Cat meme to inspire new forms of creative expression and communication, and to serve as a catalyst for the development of new online communities and cultures.


1. What is the Lady and Cat meme?

The Lady and Cat meme is a popular internet meme that features a photo of a woman holding a cat in her arms. The woman, whose identity is unknown, is shown with a shocked or surprised expression, while the cat appears to be looking away or disinterested. The meme is often used to convey a sense of shock or disbelief.

2. Where did the Lady and Cat meme come from?

The exact origin of the Lady and Cat meme is unclear, but it is believed to have first appeared on 4chan’s /v/ board in 2011. The photo was then reposted on other image boards and social media platforms, where it gained popularity and became a meme.

3. Who is the woman in the Lady and Cat meme?

The woman in the Lady and Cat meme is not publicly known. Her identity has not been officially confirmed, and she has not come forward to claim the meme as her own. Some speculate that she may be a model or actress, but this has not been confirmed.

4. What is the meaning of the Lady and Cat meme?

The meaning of the Lady and Cat meme is open to interpretation. Some viewers see the meme as a representation of a woman experiencing a shocking or unexpected event, while others see it as a representation of a cat owner’s frustration with their cat’s behavior. The meme has also been used to express a range of emotions, including surprise, disbelief, and even humor.

5. Why is the Lady and Cat meme so popular?

The Lady and Cat meme is popular because it is a versatile and easily-recognizable image that can be used to convey a wide range of emotions and ideas. The mystery surrounding the woman’s identity has also contributed to the meme’s popularity, as viewers have speculated about her background and motivations. Additionally, the meme has been used in a variety of contexts, from internet humor to political commentary, making it a flexible and enduring cultural icon.

I Accidentally Became a Meme: Woman Yelling at a Cat

What's the Story Behind the Viral Lady and Cat Meme? - Planet of Cat (2024)
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